Magic Sauce

“I started this series of drawings and paintings at the end of January 2023 after one night camping in the World Heritage Site of Wollemi on Wiradjuri country: a culturally significant place for the Wiradjuri, Dharug, Wanaruah and Darkinjung people. After three brutal hours of cross-country tramping through three years of rain induced growth, we came upon a cave that we used to shelter in for the night. I went to bed and awoke at about midnight to wander out into the bush. I looked up and before me was the most wondrous spectacle. A firmament of galaxies and seemingly infinite clusters of stars. A shooting star came into focus. I forgot about my normal life where my inspiration comes from the daily news. Instead, all I could see were Black Holes, Dark Matter, Infinity. Satellites, Orbits, Moons, Planets Wonder.This spectacle sustained me throughout the year, topped up with other overnight camping trips. I sit here, on October 8th 2023, conjuring the last eight months of this new journey that I have been blessed with. And now this morn ing I have been momentarily pulled back into the trappings of modern connected life by the news of the hour and had to struggle to free myself from the clutches of it.Peak. Disaster
Peak Horror
Peak Love”

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