I'll burn that bridge when I come to it

Until Never gallery, Melbourne
October 15 - November 15, 2008

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Artist Statement

Images in my drawings behave like signposts or warning shots for the contemporary western world. Familiar media images are blended with historical scenes of war and destruction. Rendered in a frantic cartoonist style, black inked images and text are splattered onto paper.

The experience is like confronting a warped diary, where I reinterpret and manipulate world events and iconic images. The vigour and spontaneity in which the images are rendered cause figures to be distorted and events to collide with one another, this impregnates the works with a sense of both urgency and emergency. There is an impression that we are all part of a whirlpool of events, hurtling along without control.

The titles of the works such as Surge til the End and Breaking Laws reinforces this apparent lack of control over events in the world, events which the viewer is forced to wrestle with.

- Locust Jones 2008