I Walk The Line

New Australian Drawing, Museum of Contemporary Art Sydney
17 March - 24 May, 2009

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Everyday Atrocities...

"I started this work on the day of the Mumbai terror attacks in November 2008. It is usually a catastrophe that acts as a catalyst for me to start a work such as this. So I started the work using newspaper images of the shootings in Mumbai and continued sourcing current events from media outlets such as Scientific American Magazines, National Geo's, Atlantic Monthlies and Guardian weeklies the work concluded with the Israel Defence Forces assault on Gaza in January 2009.

All the information gleaned from these sources entered my head and tumbled out onto the scroll: Images of endangered species due to climate change, images of a Janjaweed Militia man on horse back in Darfur, Real estate in India affected by the Global Financial Crises, Victims of genocide, Generals and their Hench men, middle east politics, the Iraq war, Pakistan, Militant Islam, Christian fundamentalism vs. Islamic extremism. Stories I heard on the radio, viewed on the Internet, read in books.

The scroll acts as a chronicle of events that take place in history but is filtered and moulded by my thoughts, personal politics and drawing abilities."

- Locust Jones 2009